Geoportals represent web portals that give access to specific geographic information. Geoportals are able to function within the enterprise network and on the Internet.
- data visualization;
- spatial analysis;
- spatial search for objects;
- object search according to the established parameters and characteristics;
- object display in different colors;
- creation of areas of interest;
- 3D imaging generation;
- simultaneous display of vector maps and remote sensing data;
- display of both static and dynamic vector data layers;
- attributive information overview.
- decision support;
- enterprise cost reduction;
- planning and accounting quality improvement;
- control over the work of divisions;
- management level improvement.
Why ExonIT?
- 9+ years of experience in providing spatial solutions;
- integration of geoportals with the enterprise existing systems;
- commercial and open-source software development; open-source software allows reducing business costs;
- development of 3D geoportals.
Our clients:
- The Belarusian Railway;
- The National Cadastral Agency;
- The Republican Unitary Enterprise on Geodesy, Cartography, and Land Management (BelNICZem);
- The Republican Agricultural Aerophotogeodetic Unitary Enterprise (BelPSHAGI);
- The Topographic and Geodetic Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belgeodesy”;
- etc.